Sunday, December 30, 2007

Save Water. Earn Leeds Points

With the scarcity of water, particularly in Southern California, many of water districts are giving generous rebates to businesses that are installing water saving devices. Rebates can be as much as $500.00 for a waterless urinal and as much as $250.00 for a water broom.

While there are several companies that manufacture waterless urinals, Zeroflush is the premeir manufacturer. The trap is the secret. It is 4 times larger than it's competitors. No additional odor barrier needs to be added during the course of it's life. After about 15000 uses, a small amount of the blue odor barrier will appear on top of the drain. Simply use the provided tool, remove and discard the drain. Flush the opening with a bucket of water, install a new drain and bottle of odor barrier and you are good to go. The whole operations takes less than 3 minutes.

Water brooms are the wave of the future, replacing hose and nozzle cleaning of patios, walkways, driveways, pool decks, parking lots, commercial kitchens and dining rooms. In addition to saving water, drying faster and preventing water runoff from going into the storm drains, they will quickly pay for themselves in labor savings. The patented bristleless design, which rolls on wheels, provides jets of water, combined with airflow to quickly clean surfaces. A tennis court, which normally take 15-20 minutes to hose, can be cleaned at normal walking speed in less than 5 minutes. There are different sizes for different applications.

Smart sprinklers use moisture sensors in the ground to tell the "timer" when it is time to water. No more watering every other day for 20 minutes. Shrubs, lawns, plants and gardens will only be watered when water is needed.

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